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Political Contacts
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Social Media Expertise
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Marketing / Production

Video / Film Production
Photography / Graphic Design
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Writing / Content Generation
Finance / Economics
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Other Expertise

Research / Science / Medical

Social Science Research
Family Law
Gender Issues
Teen Pregnancy
Child Development
Child Substance Abuse
Youth Delinquency / Violence
Child Support Models / Practises
  • FOCUS on Changing Laws so that every child’s right to both parents is respected in Family Court...
  • FOCUS on Taking Action so the “Best Interest of the Child” is first and foremost in cases of Family Breakdown...
  • FOCUS on Joining our Growing Army of BIO CHILD Champions to spread the word and insist on changing the status quo in the Family Courts! 
  • FOCUS on other people like you, who know that Equal Parenting is best for children after separation or divorce! 
BIO CHILDis a child advocacy group who is focussed on Gender Equality in custody disputes for the benefit of the children.  You can become a family champion by joining our BIO CHILD Awareness Campaign across Canada promoting the Best Interest of the Child in cases of family breakdown.

Please consider joining our Awareness Campaign to promote and improve child well being.  Join us to seek legislative changes to the Divorce Act to reflect the presumption of Gender Equality in the Distribution of Parenting duties and time, at the onset of divorce or separation, in the absence of abuse, neglect, or violence.

Children’s best interests are served by having both parents actively involved in a child's growth and development, while Gender Equality is satisfied by allowing fit parents to raise their children.

You will be guided every step of the way with a Child’s Best Interest Tool kit and peer support to schedule and attend a meeting with your local  legislators, to present information and resources to make changes starting TODAY